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What we do


Jack in the Box welcomes children from the age of 18 months until they move onto "big" school.

Our aim is to provide a wide range of activities and experiences for your child to develop and learn at their own pace. 


Our encouraging environment provides learning opportunities for all children, where everyone is treated equally.


Jack in the Box is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 3.30pm during term time only


Our day always starts with a friendly welcome from our staff. 


Snack time is offered in morning and afternoon sessions it is a valuable opportunity for our children to experience quality interaction with their peers. It is a social time to enjoy each other’s company and eat a healthy snack. 


Throughout the sessions the children are able to take part in a wide variety of activities, indoors and outdoors including:


  • A wide variety of exploration and sensory toys and games

  • Role play area

  • Sand area

  • Quiet area with a variety of fiction and non fiction books

  • Stories and singing

  • Phonics sessions

  • Creative: painting, building, drama and music

  • Engaging with the natural world

  • Seasonal activities

  • Outdoor facility offering shade and shelter for comfortable learning all year round

  • Large grassed play area

  • Water play 

  • A variety of two wheeled bikes and three wheeled trikes, scooters and balance, trikes, scooters etc outside

  • And much more...


These experiences provide key opportunities for learning and development through play.

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